After weeks of hard training, the Lunetten Runners took part in the Maliebaanloop: youth, performance and team runs organised by Atletiekvereniging Phoenix.
Now that the time had come, some injuries and an error in estimating the length of the course threatened to spoil the fun.
But in the end, everyone managed to enjoy a Maliebaan
strewn with autumn leaves, which was populated by runners, supporters and no less than 3 live bands on Sunday 20 October.

On June 21st a meeting took place in Fort Lunet
IV to discuss the current codes of conduct.
We enjoyed our apple pie 🍎 🍏and identified
risk factors for transgressive behavior for our club.
In the summer of ‘ 24 the social security
policy will be renewed. Where appropriate, the
results of the current meeting are incorporated
into rules of conduct, which complement the
existing codes of conduct for athletes, trainers
and officials. In the coming season (‘ 24 / ’ 25), attention will be paid to increasing the visibility of the renewed policy.

On June 15 a delegation of de Lopers van Lunetten
travelled to Maarn to participate in the 17th
Heuvelrugloop, the prettiest forest run in the
After a warm welcome with music, the starting
numbers were collected. Only 15 minutes until game
time and creative movements were added
to the standard warm-up repertoire. De Lopers started
slowly but then accelerated and persevered until they
aced the 4.2 km distance.
De Lopers van Lunetten congratulates the participating
Lopers with their excellent performance!

Photographer: Dick Jeukens
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